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Good news - Jinrui Bearing has established in-depth cooperation with Iranian customers


On an ordinary day in 2022, our company received an email from an Iranian customer asking for quotation of spherical roller bearings. After understanding the customer's needs, our company also responded quickly based on the market, but the customer was still cautious when choosing a new partner.


After learning about this situation, on the premise that both parties met the conditions, our company met at the 2023 Iran Bearing Exhibition to dispel the customer's concerns and further deepen the understanding between the two parties. Two months later, the Iranian customer was invited to our bearing manufacturing factory in China to inspect our strength and the quality of the bearings, and signed a 600,000 yuan bearing order with our company within the next two months. Because of trust, the customer deposited the payment into our account after the contract was signed, and then added an order for 50,000 yuan.


Our company also arranged production and shipment in full swing, but things did not go as planned. During the shipment period in 2024, due to the international situation, shipping prices soared and there was a certain risk. After communicating with customers, for the safety of the goods, we unanimously decided to wait for the situation to stabilize before shipping. Fortunately, one month later, our company got the opportunity and quickly arranged for the goods to be shipped to where they should go.

So far, a two-year cooperation has been successfully completed. Here, I would like to thank our customers for their trust in our company, thank Haiyun for their support and cooperation, thank our employees for their efforts, and thank the country for providing a safe environment.



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