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The difference between CC and CA spherical roller bearings

Spherical roller bearings are a very common type of roller bearings. There are two most common structures - CA type and CC type. The two structures are mainly distinguished by whether the inner ring of the bearing has a flange, and whether the cage is a machined solid or a stamped frame. The two cannot be used interchangeably.


CA type: integral brass machined cage, no intermediate flange on the inner ring, two small flanges on the end face, and symmetrical rollers.

CC type: symmetrical rollers, no stop points on the inner ring, and no end stops. The cage is divided into two parts.

CA type: integral brass machined cage, no intermediate flange on the inner ring, two small flanges on the end face, and symmetrical rollers.

CC type: symmetrical rollers, no stop points on the inner ring, and no end stops. The cage is divided into two parts.

CA type spherical roller bearings use low noise, have a certain self-lubricating function, but the load capacity is limited, and the cage has its own movable guide ring. The CC type has a larger internal space, and the load can be increased by increasing the number of rollers.

Our company has been specializing in the production of bearings for 20 years. If you need to order, you can contact us directly!



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